As a Dietitian, I provide evidence-based nutritional advice, we are the only nutrition professionals to be regulated by law and are governed by an ethical code.

Unhappy Baby
Is your little one unhappy particularly after feeds but you aren't sure why?
It could be due to a number of reasons such as reflux, colic, poor breast milk supply, constipation or allergies.
If you would like support to work out what is going on and help your little one to be more settled get in touch
I will liaise with your GP or other medical professionals if required to ensure the appropriate treatment is provided.

Fussy Eating
Do you have a fussy eater?
For many young children this is a common phase which with support they grow out of.
However for some this can be due to other medical conditions such as autism or adhd.
If you have concerns and would like support to over come meal time battles and ensure you are providing the best possible diet then get in touch.

Blended Diet
Do you want to feed your tube fed child 'real' food but are unsure where to start?
I can offer support starting your child on blended diet and provide ongoing follow up to ensure appropriate growth and nutrient intake.
I can liaise with nurseries and schools to provide education and support for staff. Dietary analysis of recipes and menus can be undertaken so that you can feel confident your child is getting all the nutrients they need for growth and future health.

Faltering Growth
Is growth becoming a concern? Maybe your little one is falling down the centiles on the growth chart. Or perhaps they are older but struggling to maintain adequate growth expected for their age and are much smaller then their class mates?
I can investigate the cause and offer dietary support and supplementation if required to get them back on track. Plans can also be provided to school/nursery to ensure round the clock dietary support is provided.

Cows Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA)
CMPA is one of the most common allergies in babies. Lisa offers evidence based support to diagnose and treat the condition.
I am able to support you whether you are breast or formula feeding your baby and will liaise with your GP to ensure appropriate formulas are provided.
Ongoing support is available for dairy free weaning and later reintroducing dairy back into your baby or toddlers diet.

Are you confused about weaning? When to start, baby led or traditional, what if your baby was born early and is still not able to sit unsupported?
Perhaps they need a special diet or won't tolerate textures and lumps.
I can guide you on your weaning journey, ensuring your little one has the best possible diet to support them through their first year of rapid growth and development.